Value of Dragon Porter

Forget the problem – to find a special item for a gift or to indulge yourself. Find all that you desire here: join the Dragon Porter emailing list and allow the Dragon Porter team to bring the opportunity of choice to you.

Dragon Porter world is For Every Special Woman.
Novelty, Style and Uniqueness
is at the heart of all we do.
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Dragon Porter value

I. Humanity
We are extremely careful about the people we work with, treating each as a unique self-identity. Our employee and customers are our world which has priceless value.

II. Constant Innovation
We are excited by fresh ideas and embrace change to bring interesting suggestions to life.

III. Continual Improvement
We strive to improve every day in all we do and are open to engage with like minded partners and suppliers in this journey.

IV. Tolerance
We believe in tolerance of other people's opinions, beliefs, and behavior.

V. Compliance with Law
We work hard to ensure at all times we follow the rules and laws of countries where we operate with full respect for the moral and legal norms.

Novelty, Style and Uniqueness are our drivers and we design for every special Woman. Company Dragon Porter designed to help Each Woman find own special outfit, whether you dress or hair pin, a scarf or jewelry, toy, or author’s piece of decoration. Join the Dragon Porter emailing list to see what is up coming.
For Every Special Woman. Browse the Dragon Porter web boutique and satisfy your caprice; pamper yourself and your loved one’s with extraordinary hand made jewellery and accessories. Visit the Dragon Vernissage to review all current collections and give your feedback on new forthcoming ranges.